The school provides an inclusive education and admissions policy in full accordance with UAE law and KHDA expectations.
Students will sit internal tests or, if required for added insight, one of Scantron’s Performances Series test for Mathematics and Reading from Grade 2 to Grade 5 during the admissions process. For Pre-K to Grade 2, the school will use Reading Foundations if added information is necessary.
Students will be admitted throughout the school year, subject to approval by KHDA. All placements are subject to availability and depend on the assessment for readiness. KHDA defined deadlines for entering school during the academic term are:
- November (end) for children moving from a different educational system, I.e. American to British and vice versa
- January (end) for children coming from a UK curriculum school
- May (end) for children coming from outside Dubai
- A child entering pre-K should turn 3 by 31st August of the entry year
- A child entering KG1 should turn 4 by 31st August of the entry year and so forth up to Grade 5
- A child who is late summer born may not be mature enough to be placed in his/her Grade and may be placed in the below Grade on consultation with the parents.
- In the case of Grade 1 to 5 applicants, enrollment procedures must be completed no later than the 30th June of the year preceding the year of enrollment
- The Parents and Applicant/s may be asked to attend an interview if required to do so by the Principal.
You can begin the registration process by filling in an application form. This may be done online here, or while you are visiting the school. Please feel free to get in touch with us for more information or with any inquiries by phone +971569439545 or email